
 SuperRootsTurf   product information

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Our Product Line

A complex, multi-mineral liquid fertilizer containing USDA organic compliant fulvic acid that reduces, corrects and prevents mineral deficiencies in plants. For use on turf as a spray or by fertigation and as a fertilizer component for trees and shrubs. Fully chelated for maximum utilization by plants.

This USDA organic compliant microbial inoculantencourages conditions in lawn and garden soil that increase the availability of atmospheric nitrogen and soil minerals for root uptake and reduces or eliminates thatch.

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For use in liquid fertilizer formulations containing nitrogen and other nutrients. Nutrex-M/F will improve fertilizer efficiency and encourage biological proliferation, extending the release of  nitrogen and availability of other elements to plants, while eliminating nitrogen loss into the atmosphere and by leaching.

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SuperRoots is a liquid concentrate bio-fertilizer containing nitrogen, potash, fully chelated micro- nutrients, live soil microbes, and endo-ecto mycorrhizae. For shallow root injection for trees and shrubs. Just add water and apply as the label directs.

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Apply19-0- 3 Golf alone or in combination with SuperTrace 6% Fe micro-nutrients with fulvic acid for a complete foliar fertilizer.  This micro-filtered liquid is compatible with other tank mix partners.

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SpeedyGreen will reduce, correct, and prevent iron and magnesium deficiencies in turf. SpeedyGreen contains chelated iron and magnesiumand the natural chelation element will not strip calcium from plant cell wall and will not damage turf when used as directed.

Sites where Plant Essentials, LLC products are being used:

Thousands of private, commercial, and educational landscapes in the greater Northwest.

Many major golf courses in the greater Northwest.

The Washington State Capitol Tree Preservation Project.

Historic, landmark trees in Washington state.

Major sport fields and public venues, including the City of Lacey’s RAC sports complex.

Manufactured in Olympia, Washington by, and for, landscape health care professionals.
Visit our 50 + year old treatment company, Wolbert’s Inc., for application information at